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UH OH, Devastating CGC Comic Book Resubmission. HUGE $$$ Loss
CGC Comic Unboxing with Adam and Alex | Infinite Collectibles
Massive CGC Unboxing! Plus: My Grail Got Ruined!!!
Three Things to NEVER Do When Comic Speculating!
Trading Comic Book Collection for ONE Key
PLOD = cgc Purple Label of Death
CGC Comic Book Unboxing 10 moderns! BUMPSKI TIME!! cleaning pressing and submission
CGC Unboxing of Signature Series and 9.8 Prescreen Rejects That I Resubmitted
One Year that Birthed the GREATEST Golden Age Comic Books of All Time
Will CGC give a blue label or purple label comic book slab after cleaning? ASM 289 Part I of II
UNBOXING: Is CGC Grading Comics HARSHLY? Birthday Video
CGC HORROR STORY! Does This Prove Grades Mean Nothing?